MWHK: Pretty Heart ⼼裏美

MWHK: Pretty Heart ⼼裏美, 2022

8.0 2022.09.24上映
no info Cantonese(Sub: English,Chinese) Drama
K.K. Ho (Vincent WONG) is a leading “star tutor” and Principal Lee’s (Hugo NG)'s trump card. Chloe (Jennifer YU), a traditional teacher, disagrees with Ho’s teaching methods. Despite the feud, Ho develops feelings for Chloe and learns that she is Principal Lee’s daughter. He tries to help in mending the relationship between father and daughter, but an accident happens. 补习天王何 Sir (王浩信),被校长李龙基(吴岱融)视为皇牌。传统中学教师 Miss Lee (余香凝)不满何 Sir 教学方法离经叛道,二人甫碰面就擦出激烈火花。后悉Miss Lee 为李校长亲女,因童年事故深恨乃父。在追求Miss Lee的同时,何Sir也尝试修复父女之间的关系。 • Not eligible for any other vouchers. • Not valid with VIP and/or Complimentary Passes. • Not valid for purchase with HSBC Movie Card.